Bariatric Surgery Malpractice
One of the most popular surgical procedures performed today for the treatment of obesity in the United States is Gastric Bypass or Bariatric Surgery. The goal of the procedure is to reduce the overall size of the patient’s stomach in order to limit food intake, which then facilitates weight loss.
If you or a loved one has been injured or wrongfully killed due to medical malpractice before, during, or after a gastric bypass procedure, call the Boston medical malpractice lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. today at 617-225-2100 for a free consultation
The most common procedure technique for Gastric Bypass is called “Roux-en-Y,” in which the surgeon staples the majority of the patient’s stomach, leaving a small pouch in its place. The pouch, approximately the size of an egg, is then sewn directly to the lower portion of the patient’s small intestine, which bypasses the remainder of the patient’s stomach, attaching the lower section of the ouch to the portion.
Risks And Complications
Due to the complex nature of the gastric bypass procedure, there is a significant risk of post operative complication, including:
- Separation of the surgically reattached intestine
- Post operative infection
- Problems related to digestion
- Inadequate nutritional intake
- Death
General Complications
- Infections
- Bleeding
- Internal leaking
- Hernia
Types Of Gastric Bypass Malpractice
- Failure to note gastric fluid leak
- Failure to recognize signs of pulmonary embolism
- Failure to treat post gastric bypass bleeding
- Failure to properly screen appropriate gastric bypass patients
Common Types Of Malpractice
- Your doctor failed to immediately respond to your complaints
- You had a leak that resulted in serious infection or even reoperation
- Inexperience of the surgeon performing gastric surgeon
- Failure to Diagnose or Properly treat infection
Bleeding Or Leakage Of Gastric Fluid
The most common and major complication of gastric bypass surgery is the leakage of stomach fluid, or bleeding into the abdominal cavity. Blood or gastric fluid leaking into the cavity can cause infection and resultant inflammation of the cavity. The prompt diagnosis of such symptoms is necessary and a doctor or surgeon’s failure to perform such a diagnosis and treat in a timely manner may result in serious injury or wrongful death.
Pulmonary Embolism
The second most common and major complication of gastric bypass surgery is pulmonary embolism. The occurrence of the condition is relatively rare during or after the procedure, but the risks and injuries associated with pulmonary embolism are much higher than the risks associated with gastric bleeding and fluid leaks. Pulmonary embolism can cause severe damage to the lungs and result in sudden heart and lunch failure and almost instantaneous death.
If you or a loved one were injured during or due to a gastric bypass surgery, contact the Boston medical malpractice attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. today for a FREE consultation at 617-225-2100.