Food Poisoning

Despite rigorous laws and regulations on the state and federal level regarding food handling, serving, and processing, many Massachusetts restaurants, markets, and food processors continue to violate health and safety codes. Sadly, these violations do not go without consequence and this negligence often causes serious injuries or even death for consumers.
The experienced Boston personal injury lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. have nearly three decades of experience in handling food poisoning claims. We will hold any and all negligent parties responsible for your illness or a loved one's wrongful death. Contact our Boston, Cambridge, or Quincy office today at 617-225-2100 for a FREE consultation of your claim. You won't owe us anything until we're successful on your behalf.
Incredibly, the Centers for Disease Control ("CDC") estimates a staggering 76 million cases of food poisoning annually in the U.S. That translates into 1-in-4 people encountering food poisoning each year. While the elderly and children are most susceptible to suffering more serious effects, no one is immune. In fact, around 325,000 people will require hospitalization and an alarming 5,000 will succumb to food-poisoning related illness.
Two Common Variations Of Foodborne IllnessThe most common form of food poisoning comes from tainted food, which is infected with bacteria, virus, or parasites. These infectious agents can cause a plethora of injuries and even wrongful death. When food is not stored, handled, or prepared properly, these infectious agents can become present and make you or a loved one very ill. In addition to infectious agents, toxic agents, which include both chemical and natural toxins, can be found in tainted food. Like infectious agents, these toxins can make victims severely ill and even be fatal. Symptoms of food poisoning generally occur shortly after a tainted food has been consumed and include nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, and fever.
Serving Food With Known AllergensIn addition to tainted foods, restaurants, food packagers, processing plants, etc. may negligently serve a person with allergies food they cannot safely consume, often without providing a warning or ignoring given information from the consumer. If a food server, preparer, or storage facility negligently allows allergens into your food, they may be deemed liable for your injuries.
Food Poisoning Is Nearly Always PreventableUnsanitary food handling, improper preparation, unsafe storage, inadequate cooking (serving raw/undercooked food), are all root causes of food poisoning. In these circumstances, the negligence of one or more parties, including restaurants, servers, processors, packaging plants, storage facilities, food labelers, etc. causes the ultimate sickness or death of a victim. We will launch a thorough investigation into your claim, including hiring experts and medical professionals if necessary to advance your cause.
If you or a loved one has suffered ill effects from a food poisoning incident at a restaurant or from consuming any tainted foods, call the experienced and skill Boston personal injury attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. for a FREE consultation at 617-225-2100. Put our experience and skill to work for you in obtaining compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.