
Hit-and-run car accidents bring unique challenges for victims and their families, as the injured party or the victim's estate is left dealing with expensive medical bills, car repair costs, lost employment, and a plethora of other damages. In short, hit-and-run accidents can be overwhelming and exhausting for victims and their families—emotionally, physically, financially, and mentally. Hit-and-run car accidents are also unique because they often involve both civil and criminal charges. When a negligent or criminally liable driver has fled the scene of an accident, because they were operating under the influence, driving with a suspended license, were speeding or driving recklessly, did not have car insurance, or even simply became nervous and ran, they face stiff criminal penalties. Astoundingly, more than 100 drivers a month are fatally injured in hit-and-run accidents. Sadly, most of these hit and runs involve pedestrians, as around 20% of all fatal pedestrian accidents are caused by hit-and-run car accidents.
Don't Get Stuck Holding The BillsThe experienced Boston car accident lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. have a long, successful history of helping victims and their families recover damages following hit-and-run accidents. Hit and run cases are complex and require experienced and skilled car accident attorneys who have extensive dealings with insurance companies. We know their tactics and will get you what you deserve. Call us today at 617-225-2100 to start recouping your damages today.
Uninsured Motorist ClaimsIf the at-fault driver has fled the scene, for whatever reason, it is important to note that you still likely have a claim. We will work with your insurance company to file a hit-and-run or uninsured motorist claim against your own policy. Essentially, your own insurance, based on your policy, will step into the role of the liable driver and pay on your claim. The Boston car accident attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. will initiate your uninsured motorist claim, draft a demand package that covers your damages and advance it to your policy carrier, and skillfully negotiate a fair and complete settlement to cover your loses. In the event a settlement cannot be reached, we will stand up and fight for your in an arbitration or in court, depending on the terms of your policy.
We Stay on Top of All Criminal Proceedings to Best Serve You: In today's connected world of smartphones and surveillance cameras, most victims or someone at the scene is able to gather enough information to track down and catch a fleeing, at-fault driver. Once caught, both criminal and civil prosecution will ensue. The Boston car accident attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. will be in constant contact with the prosecutor on the criminal case to collect as much information as possible, including any victim compensation that you may be eligible to file for or restitution that judge has ordered the defendant to pay you. When the defendant does not meet his obligation under the restitution order, filing a civil case is necessary to recover damages for your medical bills, lost employment, damage to your vehicle, pain and suffering, etc.
Victims and their families should not be left alone suffering from the effects of a hit-and-run car accident. Contact the Boston hit and run car accident lawyers and wrongful death attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. today at 617-225-2100 to discuss your options. Our offices are in Boston, Cambridge, and Quincy and we have helped families across the Commonwealth.