Lead Paint Poisoning

Lead paint poisoning, unfortunately, is commonly seen in Massachusetts and on the national stage. Only a small amount of lead can lead to serious health complications, sometimes lasting a lifetime, and high levels can be fatal. Lead poisoning is particularly dangerous for young children, as it tends to severely impact their mental and physical development. Often, lead poisoning is hard to detect and may go symptom-less until lead levels are high enough to cause toxic poisoning. Lead can be found in many household materials and items, including around pipes, roofing, paint chips, batteries, soil, children's toys, household dust, and pottery.
If you or a loved one has experienced illness or wrongful death due to lead poisoning, it is imperative to call the experienced Boston personal injury lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. today at 617-225-2100 for a free and confidential consultation. Our attorneys have litigated numerous lead poisoning cases and have been successful for victims and their families, helping them recover financially for their damages. You can also use our safe and secure contact form and we will respond promptly.
Massachusetts Lead LawBoth state and federal laws mandate the removal of lead paint in homes and in products. Pursuant to Massachusetts state law, the lead paint must be removed at the expense of the owner. The use of lead paint has been banned under federal law since 1978.
Massachusetts 'De-Leading' RegulationsWhen renovating, repairing, or painting disturbs lead paint in homes or places occupied by children, a premises liability claim can be advanced against landlords or property owners for the exposure residents face. There are strict safety regulations that must be followed if such improvements or renovations disturb lead paint and lead to increased exposure.
Lead Paint Is Particularly Harmful To ChildrenBecause of the extreme toxicity to children, product liability claims can be brought by parents against manufacturers producing products with lead paint, notably toys, where children were harmed by exposure. It is often believed that most children poisoned by lead ate paint chips. Although consuming lead paint chips can certainly result in toxic poisoning, more children develop lead poisoning by breathing in lead dust that is found the air of older buildings.
Adults can also advance a breach of implied warranty claim, if manufacturers did not at least warn about the using lead paint in products and this caused health issues.
Employers Must Also Adhere To Strict Lead LawsWorkers' exposure to lead must also be minimized, pursuant to OSHA safety regulations. If an employer does not perform regular safety inspections, warn of dangerous or toxic substances like lead or other chemicals, or does not force employees to wear masks around dangerous substances, they may face liability or a workers' compensation claim from harmed employees.
If you or a loved one has been poisoned by lead, contact the experienced and successful Boston lead poisoning attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. We have handled many successful lead poisoning claims in the past and understand the thorough investigation and preparation needed.