
Many drivers in the Greater Boston area have experienced a rear-end collision. The roads in Massachusetts and New England are narrow and congested, often packed with other vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. The road signs and traffic lights are numerous and add to the risk of another car stopping short, speeding, or driving negligently. Make no mistake about it, rear-end collisions can cause to serious head, neck, and back injuries, which often result in high medical expenses, a long and difficult recovery, pain and suffering, and lost employment. Lingering injuries following a car accident can hurt victims and their families physically, emotionally, and financially.
The Boston car accident lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. have successfully pursued numerous rear-end collisions, helping victims and their families recover financial compensation for medical care and rehabilitation, lost wages, pain and suffering, lost daily enjoyment, and other damages stemming from a rear-end car accident. We have extensive experience dealing with insurance companies and know each and every one of their tactics. Call us today for a free consultation to discuss your options at 617-225-2100.
Victims Cannot Often Avoid Rear-End Collisions
Unlike many other car accidents, drivers cannot often evade being rear-ended. Instead, drivers and their passengers are forced to absorb the full force of the impact, without a chance to brace or protect themselves. It is a common misconception to think of all rear-end collisions as “fender-benders.” In reality, these collisions can result in very serious injuries, namely to the head, back, neck, and shoulders. This is especially true in rear-end collisions that involve disproportionately sized vehicles, where the results can be disastrous. In all, common rear-end collision injuries include:
- Neck strain
- Back strain
- Concussion
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Post-traumatic headaches
- Broken bones
Rear-End Collisions Are Nearly Always Caused By Another Driver’s Negligence
Nearly all rear-end collisions are caused by another motorist’s negligence. Whether that person is tailgating the victims car, speeding, misjudging distance between vehicles, stopping short, driving erratically, or not leaving appropriate braking space to react to another car, rear-end collisions are nearly always caused by another driver’s negligence. Pursuant to Massachusetts state law, if another driver’s negligent actions are the cause of a motor vehicle accident, they are held responsible and liable for any damages, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc.
Even Low- And Moderate-Speed Impacts Can Cause Serious Injury
It is important to note that even low and moderate speed rear-end car accidents can result in serious, debilitating and long-term injuries. Many factors aside from the speed of the vehicles comes into play here, including the weight and type of the vehicles involved, the location of impact on the vehicle, the height and type of head restraint, the dynamics of the seat, the direction of the impact, and many other physical factors.
We Know Insurance Company Tactics And How To Win
If you have been injured because another driver was careless or negligent, you likely have legal redress. The Boston car accident attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. have helped many victims and their families receive financial compensation for the damages they have suffered. Obtaining fair compensation for damages can be complex and challenging.
Our attorneys cover all types of car accidents. Hit and runs, back over accidents, bike-car accidents, pedestrian accident, etc. are all covered by our lawyers. Trust the car accident lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. to get you what you deserve, as we have done hundreds of times before. Our skilled and experience lawyers will stand up and fight for you, either with skilled settlement negotiations or with meticulously prepared litigation in court.
Call us today at 617-225-2100. We have offices in Boston, Cambridge, and Quincy and serve all of Massachusetts. You can also contact us here.