Toxic Torts

The Natural Resource Defense Council reports that 80,000 chemicals that are legal in the United States have not been sufficiently tested for their dangerous impact on the environment or human health. Consequently, the National Academy of Sciences estimates that 3% of behavioral disorders in children are the result of exposure to toxins. Any company that knowingly or unknowingly exposes individuals to dangerous chemicals may be held liable for the resulting injury to individuals’ health and financial welfare. This type of litigation is known as a “toxic tort,” and can often affect an entire community through exposure to dangerous toxins perpetuated by just a few careless individuals. Often, the effects of exposure to these chemicals will not show up for several years. When they do occur, the injuries or diseases can be permanent and debilitating.
If you or a loved one suspects that an injury or illness is the result of toxic exposure, please contact our Boston personal injury lawyers at our Boston, Cambridge, or Quincy office today at 617-225-2100 for a FREE evaluation of your case.
How To Demonstrate Liability In A Toxic Tort Case
To be successful in a toxic torts case, the injured party must demonstrate two things. First, a clear connection must exist between a certain toxin and the injury. Second, the defendant’s actions must clearly have caused the exposure that led to the personal injury. These facts can be difficult to prove because of their complex nature and we will utilize both medical and scientific experts to demonstrate liability. If the injured party is successful in proving the damage was caused by the negligence of another, compensation will be awarded for all resulting consequences.
Types Of Toxic Torts
While many toxic tort cases happen when the injured party claims exposure to dangerous toxins while at work, the most common (and most publicized) cases involve environmental toxins in residential areas and homes. A small sampling of these cases can include chemicals found in cleaning products and children’s toys, contaminated food or water due to the use of pesticides, long term exposure to mercury or asbestos, carbon monoxide poisoning, sickness due to radioactive substances, etc. Another type of toxic tort case involves pharmaceutical companies and drug manufacturers who cause injury or death due to toxins in their medical products. These cases are often pursued under a mass tort products liability theory to accommodate the large number of potential victims.
Damage And Recovery
Damage caused by toxic torts can include cancer, birth defects, organ or brain damage, and even death. Our personal injury lawyers have decades of experience representing clients who have suffered an injury due to the negligent use of chemicals. If we are able to demonstrate that liability exists, you or a loved one may be eligible to recover for present and future medical bills, lost wages, wrongful death, pain and suffering, diminished quality of life, and much more depending on the circumstances. Contact our Boston personal injury attorneys today for a free consultation at 617-225-2100.