Wrongful Death Caused by Prescription Drug Error

When we are prescribed medicine and fill the prescription at the pharmacy, we place our trust in the prescribing doctor and pharmacist to ensure proper dosage, administration, effectiveness, and accurate understanding of adverse effects and potentially injurious or fatal drug interactions or combinations. Sadly, the use of outdated drugs, failure to prescribe the correct drug, mistakenly filling the wrong prescription, missing potential adverse side effects and dangerous drug combinations and interactions, and prescribing or filling an improper dosage, has lead to the avoidable and wrongful death of many individuals.
The personal injury lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. know that prescription drug errors are inexcusable and can be avoided with proper training and following established standards of care. Improperly filled and wrongly identified prescriptions often lead to fatal injuries. If a loved one was the victim of a drug interaction, improper dosage, or wrong prescription, call us today for a free consultation at 617-225-2100.
Medication Errors
Medication errors can occur when handwritten orders are misread, drugs are confused with others that have similar names, the doctor and/or pharmacist misses a patient’s allergies or other medications currently taken causing dangerous interactions and adverse effects, an incorrect and dangerous dosage is prescribed or filled, a patient’s medical history is ignored or not correctly understood, or a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist fails to warn you about health risks associated with certain medications. Overmedication, undermedication, mislabeling, dilution errors, and other errors sadly often have fatal consequences.
Negligence Is Often The Root Cause
Most times, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals are careful, competent, and diligent in their work. Unfortunately, many medical professionals work long hours and handle dozens of patients daily. Adequate staffing, correct training, and stringently following established standards of care drastically reduce the occur of prescription drug errors. When a medical professional or pharmacist’s negligence causes the wrongful death of a loved one, they should be held fully accountable.
Massachusetts Law
In order to prevail in a medical malpractice wrongful death case, which includes prescription drug errors and pharmacist errors, it must be shown that the other party’s negligence caused the wrongful death. Further, it must be established, through other experts (namely, other doctors, pharmacists, etc. facing similar situations), that the established standard of care was not followed.
If a pharmaceutical or medication drug error has caused the wrongful death of a loved one, contact the experienced attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. today for a FREE consultation to discuss your options at 617-225-2100. We have decades of experience successfully handling every type of personal injury case. We deal with large insurance companies daily and have the experience, skill, and reputation that often leads to a full and fair settlement. If needed, we will amass the best possible team of experts and evidence and will bring your case to trial to fight for what is rightfully owed to you.