Probation Violations

Probation is essentially an alternative to incarceration. We have negotiated favorable probation terms for hundreds of criminal offenders over the years, sparing them time behind bars and time away from their families and loved ones. The criminal defense attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. understand, however, that persuasive evidence must be presented to the court on your behalf, highlighting important factors such as your contribution to society and role in your family. Our criminal lawyers know that each case is unique and we must convince the court you will not commit another offense and that the terms are favorable and satisfy the requirements of the law. We have been successful in obtaining many favorable probation terms for a wide range of criminal offenses.
Whether or not the Boston criminal defense lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. represented you before you were sentenced to probation, we can help if you are now charged with a probation violation, or have received notice of a warrant for your arrest. Call the criminal defense attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. at 617-225-2100. You can also use our quick and secure contact form.
Be AWAREWhen you resolved your case, whether your were convicted of a crime, admitted to the offense or made some other agreement that subjected you to supervision by the court's Probation Department, you must comply to the terms of that sentence or agreement, or you could face arrest, detention, felony conviction and even incarceration for a violation.
Causes Of Probation Violations And 'Violation Of Probation Hearings'Probation violations occur if you are involved in additional legal trouble, fail a drug test, do not complete community service, or do not pay required fines and/or court fees. If this happens, a probation officer will then usually file paperwork with the court, requiring you to appear in front of the judge that originally sentenced you. This event is called a "violation of probation" hearing.
If you are found non-compliant to the terms of your original sentence or agreement, or you could face arrest, detention, felony conviction and even incarceration for a probation violation.
Serious Offenses And Repeat OffendersWith more serious offenses or repeat offenders, probation is often given in lieu of a jail or prison sentence. Thus, violations of court orders can subject you to lengthy pre-determined incarceration and loss of the "benefit" of probation: your freedom!
We Understand The Game And Its PlayersThe criminal defense lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. are prepared to both negotiate with and challenge probation officers, prosecutors and other law enforcement. Several of our criminal defense lawyers are former prosecutors who have experience in the court or county where you are facing your probation violation, including Boston, Cambridge, and Quincy. Sometimes violations can be resolved with negotiation and agreements to minimize your exposure to penalties. Whatever the approach, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to immediately start helping you. We have offices in Boston, Cambridge, and Quincy and practice in courts throughout Massachusetts. Call the criminal defense lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. at 617-225-2100use our quick and secure Contact form.