Personal Injury Case Results
Disclaimer: Cases subject to strict non-dislosure and/or confidentiality agreements, do not appear in the list below.
$7.98 Million – Settlement for Massachusetts Worker Who Suffered Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Injuries

A Massachusetts worker, while working outside of the Commonwealth, suffered serious injuries resulting from carbon monoxide poisoning.
$4 Million – Settlement for Pedestrian Who Suffered Extensive Crush Injury
Plaintiff was a pedestrian on a public way who suffered an extensive crush injury and multiple fractures to her left foot when she was struck and run over by a motor vehicle.
$3.1 Million – Wrongful Death Settlement – Boston Harbor Fatality
A 40-year old construction worker was killed when a cement segment suspended in mid-air was released by the crane supporting it and struck the decedent. The crane owner and contractors involved in the construction project paid damages to the decedent’s family. A separate agreement was reached with the plaintiff’s former employer.
$3.1 Million – Valet Crushes Leg of Man Arriving at Connecticut Casino
Retiree went to a Connecticut resort casino to celebrate his anniversary. His leg was crushed by a vehicle operated by the valet attendant. The case was unique in that the incident occurred on tribal property and tribal law controlled.
$1.8 Million – Pedestrian Hit by Car Exiting Garage
Plaintiff was a pedestrian on a public sidewalk who suffered extensive crush injuries and multiple fractures to both legs when she was struck and run over by a motor vehicle as it exited an underground parking garage.
$1.3 Million – Wrongful Death Settlement – Motor Vehicle Collision Involving Road Construction Worker And Truck
Decedent, a 50-year old hardworking husband and father was fatally injured while working on the side of an interstate highway in Worcester County, when a truck lost control and struck and killed the plaintiff. The driver fled the scene. Two witnesses provided defendant’s license number to the state police. A liability issue centered on whether the operator was an independent contractor or an employee. Evidence was produced suggesting the employer had apparent control over the divers’ uniforms, schedules and truck logos. Bellotti Law Group, P.C. prevailed by demonstrating that the decedent had been misclassified as an independent contractor when he was in fact an employee of the defendant.
$1.15 Million – Wrongful Death Settlement – Family of Pedestrian Killed While out Walking with a Friend
Grandmother was out walking with a friend, when she was suddenly struck and killed by a truck. Defendant disputed liability claiming he was driving below the posted speed limit and did not have sufficient time to avoid the pedestrian. Bellotti Law Group, P.C. demonstrated that the defendant had a straightaway for several feet prior to impact and did not slow down. Plaintiff hired an expert economist to assist in valuing the services of the decedent as a homemaker and part-time businesswoman.
$1.065 Million – Settlement for Injured Massachusetts Construction Worker
A Massachusetts union-member construction worker sustained serious injuries during the course of his employment. Given the complex nature of the case, successful third-party liability and workers’ compensation claims were brought, resulting in a combined settlement in excess of $1 Million.
$915,000 – Settlement for Multiple Injuries to Family Members When Operator Using Cell Phone Crossed Solid Double Yellow Centerline
Four family members were injured in a car accident while returning from New Hampshire, when an 18-year-old operator distracted while using her cell phone crossed the solid yellow line and slammed head on into the family vehicle. Cellular phone records revealed that the operator was on the phone at the time of the accident. There was a significant lost wage and impairment of earning capacity claim for the mother who was a nurse working at a Boston hospital. The children all had bruises, emotional distress and loss of consortium claims. An economist was retained to assist in proof of lost wages, retirement benefits, work expectancy and alternative employment options.