Texting While Driving

With the rise of mobile phones, it is common to see other drivers talking on their phones or texting while behind the wheel. Although teen drivers are the most likely offenders, many other drivers admit to negligently talking, text messaging, emailing and reading behind the wheel. In fact, more than one in 10 drivers use their phones at any given point while driving. According to a recent AAA study, one in four drivers admits to texting while driving.
In Massachusetts, if a driver causes an accident while texting, he or she may be held liable in a civil case involving a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. These cases allow those who have been injured by the negligence of those who text and drive to recover compensation necessary to pay for medical expenses, pain and suffering, ongoing treatment costs and many other damages.
These lawsuits are often exceedingly complex and require extensive investigation. To give your case a strong chance of success, you need the results-oriented attorneys of Bellotti Law Group, P.C., working for you.
An Experienced Legal Team With A Long History Of SuccessLed by attorney Peter Bellotti and his decades of legal experience, our team of serious litigators has obtained favorable verdicts and settlements for thousands of clients in Boston and throughout New England. Our extensive background in distracted driving cases allows us to gather all relevant evidence and testimony, analyze cellphone data and records, obtain expert witnesses and aggressively protect your interests during negotiation and in the courtroom.
Personal Attention From Client-Focused Injury Law AttorneysOur attorneys cover a variety of car accident cases, such as speeding, hit and runs, back over accidents, etc. Our team of insightful legal professionals stands by clients through every step of the legal process for all car accident cases. We work tirelessly to obtain the maximum compensation available, so that our clients can make as full a recovery as possible and move forward with their lives. Our experience, proven trial strategies and custom-tailored representation have served many clients in Boston, Cambridge and Quincy, and throughout Massachusetts.
Car Accident Caused By Texting In Quincy Or Cambridge? Contact Our Team Of Dedicated Personal Injury Attorneys
If you believe the other driver was using a cellphone just before a car accident, tell the law enforcement authorities and then call the Boston car accident attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. Our lawyers will closely follow any criminal case pending against a liable driver, staying in contact with the prosecuting attorney, to use any and all relevant information on your behalf in a civil matter.
To arrange a free consultation with a Boston texting while driving attorney, call 617-225-2100, or contact us online.